Know All About Lockdown 5.0
Guidelines for Phased Re-opening (Unlock 1) In areas outside Containment Zones, all activities will be permitted, except the following, which will be allowed, with the stipulation of following Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) to be prescribed by MoHFW in a phased manner: Phase 1 Religious place of worship for public. Hotels, restaurants and other hospitality service. Shopping malls. will be applicable from 8 June. Phase 2 Schools, Colleges, educational institutions will be opened after consultations with States and UTs. State govt. may hold consultations at the institution level with parents and other stakeholder. MoHFW will prepare SOP in this regard, in consultation with the Central Ministries for ensuring social distancing and to contain the spread of COVID-19. Phase 3 Based on the assessment of the situation, dates for re-starting the following activities will be decided: International air travel of passengers. Metro Rail. Cinema halls, gymnasiums, swimming pools, ba...