Wikipedia Is Asking For Donations?

 We have visited Wikipedia a number of times, but if you had recently visited it you may have seen the message saying that 

So really Wikipedia needs funding? Will Wikipedia be Shutdown if it will be not funded?


Wiki means a website or database developed collaboratively by a community of user, allowing any user to add and edit content. Wikipedia is famous among all WIKI's. Wikipedia began life in 2001, set up by early Internet entrepreneurs Jimmy Wales and Larry Sanger, with the latter coining the portmanteau name by smashing the traditional encyclopedia up against the name given to collaboratively-modified websites, wiki.


This is Wikipedia's first major fund campaign in India. For Indians Wikipedia is a good website to access quick information about any topic. Indians don't know how Wikipedia functions properly, we think it is a global encyclopedia . That's the reason Indians are 5th in number to visit Wikipedia. 

There funding is managed by Wikimedia Foundation which is non profitable organisation, headquartered in San Francisco California. It owns the Internet Domains names of many movement projects and hosts sites like Wikipedia.

Broadly Speaking - They say we need funding because we have to maintain an International Technology Infrastructure, Pay Salary to employees to keep the site running so we need funding.

But do they actually need it?

Wikipedia is asking for donation from USA, Europe since 2012, and the funding they get from these countries are more as compared to there expenses so today also Wikipedia had enough cash to handle all its problems.

2012-2013: Raised $44m / Expended 35$

                    2014-15: 72m / 52m

                    2017-18: 97m / 81m

                    2018-19: 110m / 91m

As of June 2019, Wikipedia had over $165m of total assets, with over $100m in cash.The foundation also said in its financials that it had total financial assets of $151m to meet its cash needs for one year.


Well it is not clear why it is asking for more money. I think they want some extra cash and might be thinking to develop there website. Also Wikipedia is a website which can be edited by anyone. Wikipedia should pay its attention towards its phishing attacks instead asking for donations. Also India is not so rich country so they will not get that much of help as they get from USA. For students I'll recommend to use Britannica instead of Wikipedia.


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