Most Corrupt Countries.

Corruption is a Cancer: A Cancer that eats away at a Citizen's Faith in Democracy, Diminishes the Instinct for Innovation and Creativity. By Joe Biden.

There are many ways by which we can know about how corrupted a country is but the most reliable index is "Corruption Perceptions Index" and it is being prepared by Transparency International by Germany.

According to report of 2020 the most corruption free countries are Denmark and New Zealand. Yes, there are two countries with a score of 88 out of 100 which are most corruption free. Some famous countries in this list I'll mention are: 

Country                             Rank

France                                 23

Bhutan                                 24

Spain                                   32

Italy                                     52

China                                  78

India                                   86

Brazil                                  94

Pakistan                             124

Russia                                129

Well Ranks do change in every year but the point to remember in 2020 is that 2/3 countries score below 50/100 and the Average score is 43/100. In this pandemic according to a report the relative poverty that is 'Rich are becoming more richer and Poor are becoming more poorer' has increased. So all countries across the Globe should take some action to stop Corruption also. That was a little information that I've heard.


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