China Screams 'Hanta Virus'

What is HantaVirus?

The World was not able to recover with the Pandemic Coronavirus, the state media of China (The Global Times)
states that 'A person from Yunnan Province died while on his way back to Shandong Province for work on a chartered bus on Monday. He was tested positive for HantaVirus. Other 32 people on bus were tested.
  • Hantaviruses are RNA viruses transmitted to humans by rodents (rodent-borne).
  • Hantavirus pulmonary syndrome, also referred to as HPS, is a disease in which, in the late stage of infection with a hantavirus subtype.
  • Early symptoms of hantavirus infections (fatiguefever, muscle aches) are not caused by anything specific.
  • Signs and symptoms of HPS as it spreads throughout the body include;
  • In addition, some hantaviruses can cause hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS) as the disease progresses.


  • Health officials first identified hantavirus in an outbreak in 1993 in the "Four Corners" area of the southwestern United States. Hantavirus is spread to humans by particles of:
    • rodent urine
    • feces
    • saliva
    • airborne particles containing these excretions. 

No Person To Person Spread.

  • HPS can't be passed on from person to person, while HFRS transmission between people is extremely rare.
  • As per CDC, rodent population controlis the primary strategy for preventing hantavirus infections.

Is There Anything To Be Scared About?

Well this disease is not transmitted from human to human it is only transmitted via rodents. As Coronavirus it is also a family of virus and it has a long history too but at that time it was contained and as of today we have better health and medical facilities which will help us to fight against this disease. 


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