Hot Weather And Coronavirus

Impact of Coronavirus 

  • Cases: 378,912
  • Deaths: 16,515
  • Recovered: 102,069
Lockdown in 30 states, UTs after Covid - 19 cases near 500-mark, toll rises to 10.

The Trend Thus Far

A recent study by Marine University mapping the Covid-19 outbreak climate pattern suggests that the virus wreaked havoc in such regions where the temperature in the last three months was 5-11 degrees Celsius.
The region between green and yellow lies in the range of 5-11 degree celsius. The leftmost circle is USA. Southern states of US such as Arizona, Florida and Texas have seen a slower outbreak growth in comparison to Washington, Newyork, and Colordo.
In Europe area like Norway, France, Spain, Germany, Switzerland, Italy have a temperature ranging from 5-11 degrees celsius. Whereas China is affected more than India because of the topography, wind pattern. But what of Iran? as it lies in the border of these lines. The area affected in Iran are mostly Northern areas.


  • According to 'The New York Times'  Warmer Weather May slow, but not Halt, Coronavirus.
         The fact is clear that countries like India, Pakistan, Bangladesh have the advantage to fight against Coronavirus because of the weather conditions. 

  • MIT Researchers(Qasim Bukhari and Yusuf Jameel) found most coronavirus transmission to have occurred  in areas with lower temperature.
  • While the countries in the Southern Hemisphere currently experiencing, summer have reported coronavirus cases, regions with average temperatures over 18 degrees Celsius have accounted for less than 6%of the global cases.
So wash your hands on regular basis, do not roam unnecessary in the market, support the Government so that we can fight against this Pandemic disease, as told these all statement are possibilities we are not sure about the scientific experiment.


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