Websites To Call On.

We all use internet on a regular basis to visit different different websites. Internet is very deep and is beyond our expectation. The website developers make amazing websites according to the demand of the people. Although there are numerous websites on the internet that are extremely handy but still we are unaware of those. I'll tell you five websites that will help you in a daily basis. I'll provide a brief description of every website that I'll share and also the address you need to type is your URL-

To Write An Essay.

Suppose you have to submit your assignment on any topic. This websites uses its Algorithm and by pressing any random key continuously something meaningful  will be written on your desktop related to the topic you have entered. I personally use this website sometimes when I don't have any clue about my topic. Type and you can use this website.

Black And White Photo.

Sometimes we have a black and white photo and we want a copy of its colored photo. So we go to the shopkeeper and pay an amount and got our job done. But there is a website that allows us to colorize our picture (black and white) into its real colors. The algorithm of this website is very amazing all you need to do is go to the website ( and provide the URL of the image or upload it from your system it will color your image and then save it. Now you have your colored picture. Cool isn't?

Dancing Robot.

For fun sometimes, you wish to see a dance of your own imagination that makes you smile and if the dance is performed by the Robot then it is cherry on cake. Yes, there is a website in which you can create your own dance and it'll be performed by the robot. Just type Roboboogie.codeclub and make your own dance with different music provided by the website itself.


Some of us are found of arts. We draw incredible arts on our drawing sheets but what if we can draw more effective pattern in less time. It will save our time and with less effort our job will be done. All you need tot do is type and make your own pattern, also you can share it with your friends.

Real Time Hacking Attacks.

We all wondered if we know hacking we can some incredible stuff for different reasons. But all of us can't indeed master the level of hacking we imagined. But we can have a bird's eye view of people all around the globe where hacking has been done. There is a website that allows us to view all the real time hacking attacks. Infact, many Black Hat Hackers can be traced with this website. Some people say that this website is designed by Anonymous group. Type and you can use this website.


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