You'll Always Be Poor.

Read closely. The Poor people say "I can't afford it" whereas the Rich people say "How can I afford it". A statement closes the mind and a statement opens up the mind. There are differences between Rich class people and the Middle class and the Poor class. The first is their mentality. Middle class and poor class people thinks rich are evil, there are riches are of forbidden. I'll discuss some of the major differences between Rich and Poor mentality so that when you finish reading this all you are not the same person that has gone to bed yesterday, you will have an insight, a dozen of questions you will be struggling to find answer and when you find those answers fortune will be happening to you. 


Rich, Poor, Middle class, Poverty starts with an Attitude. Poor people thinks "The love of money is the root of all evils" but subconsciously they too know it is not real. If they had a chance of becoming rich why would they say no. Obviously the answer is yes, I mean who don't want money who don't love money. The Poor people always discuss about inflation, they blame the government but they don't notice that there are people that are doing well even in those hard times. Poor people mind is filled with anger, anxiety, depressed, ignorance, whereas Rich people read books. They have a clear mind set. They are always green. As you are green you are growing, the moment you think you ripe you began to rot. Newton said Imagination is more important than Knowledge but I think Knowledge empowers Imagination. That's the reason why Bill Gates read about 50 books per year.  

Why Schools Are Responsible?

Think about it, What we are taught in school? We are programmed is Don't make mistakes. Get good grades. Get a job. Why we are so taught to get a job? Now you would say to earn money. Practically you are correct but if you look at the bird's eye view you are wrong. Why we are not taught about money if are main aim is to earn money. Why can't we skip the job part and stick to money? The reason why we are not taught about money in Schools and College is Government won't let the teachers to teach about them. They want us to get good grades, work hard, get a job, live a living not make a fortune. They want us to remain poor.

Who Are Real Teachers?

  The teachers and professors we have are not real I mean they teach us the subject they won't practice either. They teach the same topic again and again repeating the same cycle after every year and getting their paychecks and are unhappy because they think they deserved to be pay more. Think about it by these kind of people you can't learn about money. I did not refer here to every teacher but most of them have the same mentality, they are scared of losing their jobs, If you take their jobs away from them they are finished you know. But the real teachers are those who practice the skill everyday they teach. Like if you want to learn about money go to an Accountant not your accounts teacher (if he/she isn't an Accountant) If you want to learn about debt and taxes go to CA. They are real teachers because they master their skill everyday. 

Employee And Entrepreneur.

What an employee thinks. How are there minds works. Basically how your mind work? Employee want a time to time paycheck, wants to work seldom. Want weekly holidays, want an yearly vacation, and indirectly wants to be rich. Do you think by this mentality anyone should deserve success. An Employee has to do nothing of having knowledge of money. Whereas, an Entrepreneur should know about money, should know about the monopoly of economy. Entrepreneur run the world. Entrepreneur know what an employee thinks and what he wants. By giving all the necessary wishes of employee, Entrepreneur trap there Employee. Entrepreneur works for free. The moment you got paid you think like an Employee and that's the trap. So how Entrepreneur make the money? That's what Entrepreneur figure out.


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