
Showing posts from 2020

How Ultra Rich People Use Internet?

 Well if you think you are rich just because your daily sale is around 10 lakhs or you bought a latest Iphone or the latest MacBook you are so wrong. Also if you think that they use Amazon, Flipkart for shoping, Tinder for dating and Cardekho for seeing a car and Instagram to post photos you could not have been more mistaken. The Ultra Rich people tend to use the Internet so differently. Lets find out: JAMES EDITION It is Amazon for rich people, its a global luxury market place that features items like Yacht, luxury jets, helicopters, luxury cars and way more. Basically people can buy 20 Million private jet. Also a number of luxury watches are available that I can just dream ob buying. But that does not matter as I am happy for what I have, who am I kidding I so so want that Lamborghini ride. Here is a glimpse of that Website. Have a look at Cars they has to offer. If you are a Car lover like me you can't resist yourself from seeing it. Here is a link to the website  https://www.ja

Wikipedia Is Asking For Donations?

  We have visited Wikipedia a number of times, but if you had recently visited it you may have seen the message saying that  So really Wikipedia needs funding? Will Wikipedia be Shutdown if it will be not funded? Beginning Wiki means a website or database developed collaboratively by a community of user, allowing any user to add and edit content. Wikipedia is famous among all WIKI's. Wikipedia began life in 2001, set up by early Internet entrepreneurs Jimmy Wales and Larry Sanger , with the latter coining the portmanteau name by smashing the traditional encyclopedia up against the name given to collaboratively-modified websites, wiki. Donation This is Wikipedia's first major fund campaign in India. For Indians Wikipedia is a good website to access quick information about any topic. Indians don't know how Wikipedia functions properly, we think it is a global encyclopedia . That's the reason Indians are 5th in number to visit Wikipedia.  There funding is managed by Wikime

Instagram Hacks 2

Well Instagram has become the most used Social Media application. There are many businesses running on Instagram and it's good like for people who are earning through this while others are stalking others profile. But Instagram also uses a wrong technique to attract people to earn.   They say people to follow their page add a comment like their posts, see their story and what not. So today I'll tell you some of the ways by which you will be difficult to involve in these games. I gathered information that was authentic, though I spent too much time on that. So please read this post complete, you'll be surprised. Fake Chat. You might have seen chats between a common person with a blue tick celebrity. But believe me the chances of it is negligible. There is an app which is available on playstore (can't say of Appstore) which will allow you to create fake chats between any person, it doesn't matter if he/she uses Instagram. You can also create a verified account of any

Know All About Lockdown 5.0

Guidelines for Phased Re-opening (Unlock 1) In areas outside Containment Zones, all activities will be permitted, except the following, which will be allowed, with the stipulation of following Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) to be prescribed by MoHFW in a phased manner: Phase 1 Religious place of worship for public. Hotels, restaurants and other hospitality service. Shopping malls. will be applicable from 8 June. Phase 2 Schools, Colleges, educational institutions will be opened after consultations with States and UTs. State govt. may hold consultations  at the institution level with parents and other stakeholder.  MoHFW will prepare SOP in this regard, in consultation with the Central Ministries for ensuring social distancing and to contain the spread of COVID-19. Phase 3 Based on the assessment of the situation, dates for re-starting the following activities will be decided: International air travel of passengers. Metro Rail. Cinema halls, gymnasiums, swimming pools, bars etc. S

Leaked Cases of China Around 600,000

Beijing claims that since the Coronavirus pandemic began at the end of last year, there have been only 82,919 confirmed cases and 4,633 deaths in mainland China. The cases of China boost to around 1800 to 14108 on Feb 12 but on Feb 13 it was around 5000 isn't it prodigious. But Chinese Military's official claimed to have around 640,000 cases and Chinese praised that man for keeping the record. It is said that it had been spread to around 230 cities. So why China had been hiding those figures? And why is it important for the World to know these figures? That's what we will cover. National University of Defense Technology. A dataset of Coronavirus cases and deaths from the Military's National University of Defense Technology offers insight into how Beijing has gathered coronavirus data on its population. The dataset, though it contains inconsistencies--and though it may it may not be comprehensive enough to contradict Beijing's official numbers  is the most exp

Why May isn't that Hot?

India usually gets thunderstorms accompanied by rainfall, dust and hail in Jan, Feb and March months due to western disturbances. But this year(2020) they have continued even in April and May. According to IMD, there were 354 heavy rainfall events across India in March and April. Check out this link to see the forecast. Impact So Far. Delhi-NCR witnesses showers in morning; Met predicts more rainy, windy days. Temperature May dip as light showers likely today. Himachal receives rain, snow; temperature drops by 7 degree. We have also witness the changing of weather in our area. Thunderstorm, Lightning, Snow are still continuing, unlike previous years where we were all demanding winters to last long. Prediction For Hot Summer. IMD had predicted warmer-than-usual weather for the months of March and April for India. Average maximum temperatures were likely to be warmer-than-usual by 0.5-1 degree. Western Distu

Job Options After Lockdown.

This pandemic has shown us the importance of Online World. A digital world which Mr. Modi always talked about. Digitally, we can convert our offline business to online that attracts more traffic and is more cost efficient. 87% increase in social media usage amid lockdown; Indians spend 4 hours on Instagram, WhatsApp. From this lockdown there are some job/business option that'll last long for sure even if we face the same problem again. E-Commerce Companies like Big Basket, Grofers, Amazon Pantry etc are benefited by this lockdown. Big Basket and Grofers to hire 12,000 staffs to meet demand surge. This is a never ending company as the demand of food supplies will not end and these companies provide us these items with just few clicks. Also it saves our time as we waste our lot of time in shopping malls, in bargaining etc. The employees of these companies will be safe here. Digital Marketing Well it is a field which was growing already but now it'll jump to around 24

What is Tablighi Jamaat?

This term "Tablighi Jamaat" has attracted a lot of media attention because it could be a epicenter of Coronavirus in India. The deeds that they did in India could be very dangerous for everyone. Don't miss the conclusion part. The term "Tablighi Jamaat" means the society for spreading faith. It is an Islamic missionary movement with members not just in India but across the world. Founded in 1926 on the principal of getting Muslims to return to the ways of the faith as practiced in the lifetime of the Prophet Muhammad. The organisation is estimated to have around 15-20 crore adherents. They are known to go on spiritual journeys in group for 40 days at a stretch, often living together in crammed rooms. Countries with significant population-India India Pakistan Bangladesh Indonesia Malaysia Singapore Malaysia and Pakistan A Tablighi Jamaat meeting has also been linked to virus cases in Pakistan, where over 1.5 million pe

Weight Of The Internet.

Yes, you read that correct. Does Internet really have weight?  And if yes, then how much, that's what today you'll know . The weight of the internet is about one and a half times as heavy as a light bulb, means around 50 GM. Well I know some of you might be perplex by this example but hang on tight and keep reading . Suppose you download a song of 10 MB so the weight of your cell gets increased but it is so less that we can't measure that weight. Our information gets stored on flash storage and gets stored in binary form that exist physically, as electrons in the transistor starts flowing and electrons have weight. Suppose your 4 GB data is filled so the weight of your device gets increased by 10 to the power minus 18 GM which is impossible to measure. Scientists have concluded that the number of electrons flowing on internet measure 50 GM of servers, and if we add of our cell's, PC's then it measures around 150 GM. Google has estimated that over

Websites To Call On.

We all use internet on a regular basis to visit different different websites. Internet is very deep and is beyond our expectation. The website developers make amazing websites according to the demand of the people. Although there are numerous websites on the internet that are extremely handy but still we are unaware of those. I'll tell you five websites that will help you in a daily basis. I'll provide a brief description of every website that I'll share and also the address you need to type is your URL- To Write An Essay. Suppose you have to submit your assignment on any topic. This websites uses its Algorithm and by pressing any random key continuously something meaningful  will be written on your desktop related to the topic you have entered. I personally use this website sometimes when I don't have any clue about my topic. Type and you can use this website. Black And White Photo. Sometimes we have a black and white photo and we want a co

Is China The New Superpower?

USA became Superpower After World War 2 and expands its trade and emerged as the epicenter of the World. Covid-19: Shift of Power from West to East. Covid-19 will also accelerate the shift in power and influence from West to East.  China reacted well after it's early mistakes. The response in Europe and America has been slow by comparison with China. In the West side, Europe if we talk about Italy, I think I don't have to mention the figures, similarly Germany, Spain. America itself has the most number of cases of Coronavirus. Earlier when this virus was spreading Trump mentioned in his interview that this virus will not spread in USA, and if it does we'll fight back and will defeat this virus but we know the result. Silk Road of Health. It is being said that China created a demand and now it is fulfilling that demand. The same thing that USA did in WW 2, they provided military equipment to the world when they demanded. China is sending medical expert

CoronaVirus Medicine.

You would have listened the news regarding the medicine or I should say one of the medicine of Coronavirus "Hydroxychloroquine", it is not the only medicine there is one more medicine, but it is being discussed a lot in America. Since India make a lot of Hydroxychloroquine so Donald Trump called Modi ji and requested to provide these medicine to America. Points To Note As Trump mentioned: US is out of Hydroxychloroquine tablets. They are making some in the US. US has ordered Hydroxychloroquine tablets from around the world and many other countries are sending them the tablets too. India being producer of Hydroxychloroquine tablets can aid the US effort to contain Covid-19. India Production Capacity Presently the country's production capacity is 20 crore tablets every month. India is a leading player across the globe in manufacturing HCQ with  Ipca laboratories, Zydus Cadila and Wallace Pharmaceuticals  as top pharma companies. Hydroxychloroquine Fir

You'll Always Be Poor.

Read closely. The Poor people say " I can't afford it" whereas the Rich people say " How can I afford it ". A statement closes the mind and a statement opens up the mind. There are differences between Rich class people and the Middle class and the Poor class. The first is their mentality. Middle class and poor class people thinks rich are evil, there are riches are of forbidden. I'll discuss some of the major differences between Rich and Poor mentality so that when you finish reading this all you are not the same person that has gone to bed yesterday, you will have an insight, a dozen of questions you will be struggling to find answer and when you find those answers fortune will be happening to you.  Attitude. Rich, Poor, Middle class, Poverty starts with an Attitude. Poor people thinks "The love of money is the root of all evils" but subconsciously they too know it is not real. If they had a chance of becoming rich why would they say no. O

Will Coronavirus end Xi Jinping's Presidency?

China Ranked 4th in the overall cases of Coronavirus and has bypassed USA, Italy, Spain. There should not be any surprise if Germany and Spain would surpass China. In Wuhan people are living there normal life and the cases of Coronavirus has been contained in China. By this China has shown the World that it is a nation that has the power to absorb any of the biological attack. Doubts Ahead. Doubts have been raised over the actual number of Covid 19 deaths in China. 21 million cell phone accounts in China were cancelled after Coronavirus. 840,000 landlines were closed in China. Chinese Covid 19 In China, it is mandatory to install a cell phone app and register their personal health information. The app can generate a QR code which is possible in three condition. In this case, red means the person has an infectious disease, while yellow and green represent the possibility of infectious disease and no sign of such illness respectively.  Communist Party Strategy. The P

Instagram Hacks.

Well, I am not a social media expert, but have a basic knowledge it and there tricks .You can use them in our day to day life as social media has become the platform where we will find most of our youth spending time. I will share 5 tricks with you all so that you can enjoy their use and also you can showoff these skills in front of your friends. So read the content complete so that you won't miss any inch of it.   How to hide your name in the view list of someone's else story?   What happens sometime you want to view someone's story but don't want your name to flash in there view list, so you can do this- Open your Instagram, when you do this all your stories gets load then turn off your data or Wi-Fi then tap on the person's story to view it. Then close your Instagram and clear it from your recent apps. Then turn on your data, if it won't work download instaview app from playstore to see or even download stories of anyone anonymously.     2. Tip- If

Why So Many Cases Of COVID-19 In America?

Working Of Donald Trump Before 5-6 months Trump started his campaign on Re-Election of President in the US. He said in the coming election of the President vote me because  A better economy. More jobs. A booming American Stock market. As we know that Americans invest more in stock market, Mutual Funds compare to India so when it's economy booms the people gets more profit. But due to Coronavirus, all hardships, trade war of Trump has been drop down to zero.   Job Losses In The US. Global job losses from the Coronavirus crisis could far exceed the 25 million estimated just days ago, UN Officials. By comparison, the 2008-09 global financial crisis increased global unemployment by 22 million. 3.28 Million Job Loses Is Just the Start. Country and territory Confirmed Deaths Recoveries United States 104,671 1,716 2,387 Italy 86,498 9,134 10,950 China 81,394 3,295 74,971 Spain 72,248 5,694 12,285 Germany 53,340 399

China Screams 'Hanta Virus'

What is HantaVirus? The World was not able to recover with the Pandemic Coronavirus, the state media of China (The Global Times) states that ' A person from Yunnan Province died while on his way back to Shandong Province for work on a chartered bus on Monday. He was tested positive for HantaVirus. Other 32 people on bus were tested.   Hantaviruses are RNA  viruses  transmitted to humans by rodents (rodent-borne). Hantavirus pulmonary syndrome, also referred to as HPS, is a disease in which, in the late stage of infection with a hantavirus subtype. Early symptoms of hantavirus infections ( fatigue ,  fever , muscle aches) are not caused by anything specific. Signs and symptoms of HPS as it spreads throughout the body include; Lung  congestion . Fluid accumulation in the  lungs . Shortens of breath. In addition, some hantaviruses can cause hemorrhagic  fever  with renal syndrome (HFRS) as the disease progresses.       Identification Health officials first i

Hot Weather And Coronavirus

Impact of Coronavirus  Cases: 378,912 Deaths: 16,515 Recovered: 102,069 Lockdown in 30 states, UTs after Covid - 19 cases near 500-mark, toll rises to 10. The Trend Thus Far A recent study by Marine University mapping the Covid-19 outbreak climate pattern suggests that the virus wreaked havoc in such regions where the temperature in the last three months was 5-11 degrees Celsius. The region between green and yellow lies in the range of 5-11 degree celsius. The leftmost circle is USA. Southern states of US such as Arizona, Florida and Texas have seen a slower outbreak growth in comparison to Washington, Newyork, and Colordo. In Europe area like Norway, France, Spain, Germany, Switzerland, Italy have a temperature ranging from 5-11 degrees celsius. Whereas China is affected more than India because of the topography, wind pattern. But what of Iran? as it lies in the border of these lines. The area affected in Iran are mostly Northern areas. Researches According t

Jio Promises Regarding it's SIM.

Earliest Proposal of Jio? When jio came in Indian market it come up with two main agenda which attracted the public. 1. To provide free data. 2. To provide free calls and sms. Why did Jio levy this charge on customers? 1. Free voice calls on Jio network. 2. High tariffs on other 2G networks. This causes the 35-40 crore 2G customers of other networks to give missed calls to Jio customers. Jio users then call them back , since calling for them is free. Jio network receives 25 to 30 crore missed calls on a daily basis.   Interconnect Usage Charge. (IUC) IUC is the price that a telecom operator pays another to terminate a call. The originating network pays the receiving network a fee. If a Jio subscriber calls a Vodafone subscriber , then Jio will pay at the rate of 6 paise per minute to Vodafone. The company claims it paid Rs. 13,500 crore in these interconnect payments to other networks over the last three years. Jio's Logic The IUC regime giv